Customer story

Build trust in your brand with the most trusted review platform 

Take a look at some of the different ways we’ve helped our customers build trust below.

Loans are an extremely tricky industries for trust. LendingTree was able to combat this by leveraging Trustpilot reviews and saw a 6% increase in conversions to their application pages and a 2-4% increase in revenue per customer.

Groupon did extensive internal work to monitor their CSAT internally but the great results weren't reflected by their online reputation. Learn how they partnered with Trustpilot build stronger online trust in their brand.

Consumers will often simply go for the easiest option. With Trustpilot, Churchill gowns was able to achieve a 700% increase in orders, rank number 1 in Google search, and convince consumers to take a chance on a new brand.

Loans are an extremely tricky industries for trust. LendingTree was able to combat this by leveraging Trustpilot reviews and saw a 6% increase in conversions to their application pages and a 2-4% increase in revenue per customer.

Groupon did extensive internal work to monitor their CSAT internally but the great results weren't reflected by their online reputation. Learn how they partnered with Trustpilot build stronger online trust in their brand.

Consumers will often simply go for the easiest option. With Trustpilot, Churchill gowns was able to achieve a 700% increase in orders, rank number 1 in Google search, and convince consumers to take a chance on a new brand.

„Um bestmöglich den Bedarf unserer Investorinnen und Investoren abzudecken, ist Feedback elementar und sehr wertvoll für uns. Trustpilot ist dafür ein optimaler Partner, durch den wir dieses Feedback, auf dessen Basis wir unsere Abläufe kontinuierlich weiter optimieren, auf direktem Wege erhalten.“


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